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The Burnside Mile

Sun November 9, 2025 Directions


Mile Times Male 6:00 Min or Female 7:30 and Below

Elite 1 Mile Run/Walk

$15 3:00PM EST - 5:00PM EST
98 spots left.

Males must be able to run a 6 Min Pace or Better Females must be able to run a 7:30 Min Pace or Better

1 Mile Run

$15 3:10PM EST - 5:00PM EST Registration ends November 9, 2025 at 11:59pm EST

1 Mile Competitive Walk

$15 3:10PM EST - 5:00PM EST This is a Competitive Walk. By choosing the Walk, you are signing up in the Walk Division.


The Burnside Mile will hold its 6th Annual event on Sunday November 9, 2025 with the start/finish line  on E Lakeshore Dr. Parking & Veterans Day Ceremony will take place at Burnside Elementary at 435 E. Lakeshore Drive. Join us in challenging yourself to your fastest/funnest mile while celebrating the history of General Ambrose Burnside, the inspiration for the City’s name, and his famous sideburns. No matter if you are seasoned runner, new to running, or a walker, we believe this is the event for you. This will be a chip timed event.  
New this year we are adding an elite division that will begin at 3 pm. There are some qualifications to run in this event. Males must be able to run a 6 Min Pace or Better & Females must be able to run a 7:30 Min Pace or Better.
We will have our normal waves that will begin at 3:10,3:11,3:12and will start 1 min apart. You may sign up for any of those waves and compete also.
The Proceeds from this race will benefit the non profit group Lake Cumberland Runners Inc. and support the local running community.
 Lake Cumberland Runners Mission Statement:
To promote running and walking within the Somerset/Pulaski County region and to promote a healthier lifestyle through running and walking for all people of all ages and abilities. To support our members and the community by providing opportunities for training, racing, socializing and volunteering.
Registration Cost $15 = Add $15 to that cost if you want to purchase a Shirt.
If you are actively serving in the Armed Services or a Veteran your registration will be free.
Running doesn’t need to be an individual effort; Corporations, Churches, Friends or families can create a team to run The Burnside Mile! Bring as many people as you can to join your team.
  • Team must consist of at least 5 members.
  • Top 5 combined times count toward team score.
  • Team Members are eligible for individual awards as well.
  • Teams can be unlimited in size (as long as they consist of at least 5 members)
Top Overall Male & Female
Top 3 in Age Group

Age Divisions
The age divisions will be as follows – 10 & Under; 11-14; 15-19; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; 60-69; and 70 and Over.Overall Winning Team & Overall Biggest Team
Award for the Best Side Burns


Road Side Park South Of Burnside Marina



Valued Sponsors

Race Contact Info

If you have any questions about this race, click the button below.


Road Side Park South Of Burnside Marina

MapMyRun Map


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